Muldasheva Bagdashzhan Kadyrzhanovna- «Khromtau Mining Technical College» SСGU, teacher of history, lawyer - economist.

The candidate of the pedagogical science, corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization.

She was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medals of «Y. Altynsarin», « «Eren Enbegi ushin»,

The owner of the Grand Prix of the regional competition "The Best Manager of Education", has the title "Honorary Professor of Pedagogy" of the European Higher School of Modern Sciences.  Since 2017 she is the Chairman of the  council of Directors of educational institutions of technical and vocational education of Aktobe region.

She is a author of numerous articles, scientific and methodological collections and monographs published in regional, national and international publications.


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